What I’ve learned from marketing

While reading Federico’s post about Steve Jobs, https://www.vista.ubc.ca/webct/urw/lc5116011.tp0/cobaltMainFrame.dowebct, it got me thinking how important marketing is.  Steve Jobs and Apple were able to find at first a niche market and truly dive into it.  They segmented to users that wanted to be creative, passionate, and unique, like they were.  All points that Federico brought up that made him larger than Apple that made Jobs to be held in the highest regard. Contrast this to Microsoft and their CEO Bill Gates.

By picking out the segments that they did they were able to quickly develop a very intensive relationship with their users and create advocates for their company; willing to shout louder and on any domain than their competitors.  Steve Jobs made life more convenient for the world with many sexy products.  However Bill Gates definitely does not have the cachet or the appeal like Jobs does and I don’t think it is fair.  Gates decided to set his sights on actually helping people.  Gates’ foundation has spent over 25 billion dollars to help impoverished people all over the world live their life.

Both individuals created technological giants, and both advocated individuality, and to succeed in life even when things looked grim.  One was a marketing guru.

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