Companies can take any number of steps to help build long and lasting relationships with their customers.
Customers represent the engine that drives business, because without them no company can operate successfully. That is why good customer relationships are so important for the sustenance of any enterprise. Of course, customers have a wide variety of demands and preferences, so building strong client relationships can be challenging. Mike Muhney, the CEO and owner of VIPorbit, a contact management software company, suggests some things to help, such as giving clients your full attention when meeting with them, turning off smartphone alerts, avoiding interruptions, and reducing over-reliance on computers and electronic equipment when engaging with clients. To earn their respect, you should value their time as much as your own, and not keep them waiting to be served. To maintain that respect, listen carefully to their requests and try to come to a satisfactory agreement that meets their needs and those of your company.
References: Mielach, Dave. “4 Ways to Build (and Improve) Customer Relationships.”BusinessNewsDaily.com. BusinessNewsDaily Writer, 25 Sept. 2013. Web. 08 Oct. 2013. <http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5179-build-customer-relationships.html>.