Since the early 2000’s, Gatorade has gained dominance over all other sports drink in the market. Gatorade emphasizes the point that this specific sports drink is a valuable drink to hard working athletes. Its commercials are of athletes sweating the vibrant coloured gatorades conveying how gatorade is part of athlete’s everyday life. Also, Gatorade has been made famous by many atheletes including Michael Jordan and New York Giants when they are seen drinking it in commercials and in real games.
Gatorade has prevailed its name by using unique commercials and getting famous athletes to drink it which helped position itself as the “number one sports drink.” Also, Gatorade is one of the first sports drink to come out to the market which helped grow its popularity. Since it is an original product, many athletes choose to buy it.
Gatorade reveals how important it is to be positioned in consumers’ minds. Because of its commercials and representatives, it is able to gain a positive perspective from many athletes and normal consumers! Whenever people think of a sports drink, most of them will think of Gatorade.