Nestle, the world’s biggest food company may be loved for the delicious chocolates it produces but it is interesting how the many consumers of the company’s products never ask themselves what it takes to produce these delicious chocolates. Child labor plays a huge role in the production of cocoa in Ivory Coast where Nestle gets most of its coca to produce chocolate. An estimate of over 600,000 children is working on cocoa farms for little or no pay in excruciating working conditions. In Ivory Coast, there is evidence of serious injuries, mainly with machetes that slice into the children’s legs as they harvest the cocoa pods. Also, the children that work in the farms work for long hours which stop most of them to even attend school. The numbers of the working children is shocking and it is also chocking to hear Nestle’s Executive Vice-President for Operations Jose Lopez say:  “the use of child labor in our cocoa supply chain goes against everything we stand for.”  This is conflicting news where the company says it is strongly against the use of child labor but at the same time, evidence shows that without it the company wouldn’t be that successful since child labor reduces significantly it cost of production.

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