For the past two decades, China’s global political and Economical power has significantly increased. This is not good news for the United States of America and most of the leading powers of Europe that believe that China is more of a threat than an opportunity according to a study done by Transatlantic Trends. This struggle of economic power can be seen between USA and China as the two continue to take tough stances against each other in terms of economic policy. Whatever the reasons to brand China as a threat, China’s booming economy has created many businesses which have brought back confidence in the global economy after global economic crisis of 2008.

I think this is worrying because the world leading powers especially the Europeans and the Americans do want China to take over as the most powerful nation. It becomes clear to me how the world of business is strongly intertwined with the world of politics. If politics is defined as the struggle for power and very much related to business and economy, what we will happen to the world if China’s rapid economic growth is unstoppable. Will the USA ever cede its position as the most powerful nation?

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