When it comes to legalization of drugs, I get a problem understanding why some drugs are legal and others are not. I just want to compare Hard Liquor which is legal in most countries and Marijuana which is still illegal in most countries. It is not in my interest to enumerate the different consequences of consuming any of these two products; I just want people to think from simple observation which of the two is harmful and if one of them should be legal, which one should be the best option to legalize keeping in mind the well being of the people.

I know Marijuana causes people to get high and unable to operate normally but how about how hard liquor? As a UBC student living in residence, I encourage anyone who wishes to pass by on Friday nights and whiteness what drinks like Whiskey, Vodka, Gin, Tequila, Rum, and Brandy do to students. Since I came to Canada, I haven’t seen a weekend without an ambulance coming to take one, two or more students to the hospital due to the consumption of these drinks. How is Marijuana different to be illegal or it’s all about business?


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