The Dark Side of Charisma by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is an interesting post which makes me wonder why the word Charisma carries a positive connotation. Most business leaders and politicians use it a lot which helps them create a positive image for themselves in the eyes of the population. I think it can also be said that marketing uses some kind if charismatic techniques to establish credibility for products the company wants to sell and influences people to buy  various products even if the may be harmful. The same way charismatic leaders attract followers is the same way companies through marketing somehow attract consumers. After reading some of the strong points describing the dark side of charisma, I guess people should be more careful and wise in deciding which products to buy among many alternatives.  All companies through many forms of advertising try to attract as many customers as possible and sometimes these charismatic companies use various means that dilutes our judgment.  With an increasing competition in business and so many information bombarding consumers about which product to buy, I guest consumers should learn to avoid falling into traps disguised by some positive advertisements which could be lies.


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