RESPPONSE TO JULIA AMELIO’S “Money isn’t everything…”

This is a response to Julia Amelio’s  “Money isn’t everything…” I have a problem with all these aggressive legal measures in business. In this world we all hugely rely on others people’s ideas. In the case like the Samsung & Apple legal case, I do not see why people should not be allowed to improve on something already done if it provides benefits to consumer. All Samsung did was to create more interesting and appealing which I do not think should cause a problem. Julia says that that people put their time and creativity to produce a product hence no should steal their creative property. I do not think this should be called stealing if Samsung is not producing the same product. Why deny people a chance to buy something different?  The companies should be allowed to use existing knowledge if this leads to innovation. This trend of such legal measures reflects selfishness of companies which does make the world better off since there is restrains on consumers’ satisfaction.

However, if  the reality is that the companies are only interested in their profits, then these rules makes sense but I do not think that is how things should be.

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