In response to Hwang, Min Young‘s  article “The Rising Power of Barriers to Entry” I would say that there will always be a problem when the big Industries like Shell and the Environmental agencies chose to work on opposite sides instead of working together. The environmentalists would continue to criticize the industry and the industry will continue to keep them away of its business.

Personally, I think it is a very serious problem which seems to have no definitive solution. Big oil companies like Shell are involved in a very tough and competitive industry. They want to make as much money as possible to dominate the industry but this comes with huge costs to society such as environmental impacts which is more of a problem to those less well off to protect themselves from the harm  than to the richer guys who make huge profits from oil production.

Limits for oil industries are set but not always respected and it seems to me that the environmentalists opposing these big industries are less likely to prevail as long as the business structure these industries operate in involves so much competition and most of the times get the backing of the governments.

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