Pre-Christmas Jitters

I am the person who loves Christmas so much that I play Christmas music starting in late October. I string christmas lights and begin my Christmas baking soon after that. However, I understand that I am not the norm, and that many people get the shivers thinking about christmas any time before mid-November.

Target made the mistake of launching their Christmas campaign in mid-October last year. They received a lot of backlash from consumers who just were not ready to begin making shopping lists or buying gifts. As well, for all Americans, Thanksgiving had not even happened yet. Many people need to get past one holiday before they can begin planning for the next. Through their mistakes, Target realized that they were missing out on a big market by not making their store as somewhere consumer could go to fill their Thanksgiving needs. This year, the store sees the value in making themselves a “one-stop” shop for all

holiday needs. They have included decorations and supplies necessary for Thanksgiving.

With this new marketing campaign, Target has decided to push a lot of their marketing budget into online sources such as Twitter and Facebook. The hashtag #mykindofholiday has been created to blend both Thanksgiving and Christmas into one big marketing campaign. Target has successfully managed to now include two holidays into one without giving consumers the anxiety of planning for Christmas before they are ready to do so.



After Jumping the Gun Last Year, Target Pushes Back Holiday-Campaign Launch

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