Why not for me?

The clothing brand, Abercrombie & Fitch has totally ruined the business ethics. It is about that they only hire good-looking people for their stores. Because the company only want good-looking people to wear their products so that they can attract other good-looking people, and help to build up better reputation of their clothes. This incident caused A&F shares to drop 10.4% to $34.55 on November.

The Abercrombie have not done that because this brings out the topic, the fairness. Why all people cannot buy, wear, and work for those clothes, the companies. If the company does, that indicates the company only concerned about the appearance. Every people have rights to wear clothes what they want. This case is similar to what Lululemon did. That company limited the size even they that company emphasizes the health.


The post was really well-organized. It also has a picture to describe the concept which helps me to understand points of the blog perfectly. Also, the topic is enough to attract people that emphasizes the unfairness and the broken rules of the business ehtics.





Unique packaging increases the profits.

The post is about the Freshness Burger’s new invention in Japan. The company invented a unique package of the burgers for the women. It is a facial mask. This facial mask is the package material of the hamburger, but it also used to cover the women’s face, especially the mouth, to make them feel more comfortable when they eat the hamburgers. This is created because of the one of the Japan’s tradition that Japanese prefer women with small mouth; women should always cover their mouth when they eat, laugh, and yawn for the manners. Because of this unique product, the profit from the women customers of Fresh Burgers has increased rapidly.


The reason why I chose this article is the topic attracts me to read this blog posting at first. The title was really powerful that I clicked to choose this. Also, while I read, there were many photos that interest me, and help me to understand better about this story, the concept. Lastly, the video was really funny that I watched twice because it was short, brief but has clear message. In addition, the topic of this article attracts me best. Inventing unique facial mask for the package paper to catch women customers was amazing though that no one could thought of it.



The iPad Mini vs the iPan Air

Few weeks ago, iPad Mini has come out. The iPad Mini is the smaller product of the iPad Air. Both the Mini and Air have identical functions such as high-resolution screen, loading time is shorter, two antennas exist to help to pick up weak Wi-Fi signals wherever, and the batteries now can last during 10 hours. Therefore, every function that iPad Air go into iPad Mini exactly same process. The only difference is the sizes of iPad Mini and iPad Air, iPad Mini is smaller than iPad Air that can be stored in the pockets. Also, iPad Mini is cheaper about 100 dollars because it is smaller in size. Lastly, the point is the only sizes are different and every function is identical.


Since the one function is different, producing both iPad Mini and iPad Air is not cost-efficient. There is no point to introduce iPad Mini because iPad Mini is similar as smart phone now. Also, Apple used to introduce new product when they got new technology, they used to come back with advanced functions on their hands. However, this time, Apple does not satisfy the customers enough because their expectations were high as before. Buying both products would be wasteful, not efficient.



History returns to the present with Twitter

Few weeks ago, a group of German historians started to run Twitter. They updated about the Nazi’s Holocaust every single hours. This shows people not as reading the history books, but as illustrating as they might think that they see the historical events through their eyes, which were happened few decades ago. Not only about the holocaust, one account updated about the life of the President Kennedy. This attracts many tweeters, they commented that his words moved them, they feel as he is alive, and remind them about him again. “we are historians talking in present tense, we are not viewing it from a victims’ perspective, just trying to give a voice to every source.”, said Mr. Hoffman. In three weeks, these posts are widespread around the world, even the posts are translated into other various languages. As mentioned, people are waiting for the next posts hour-by-hour.

This new concept of the Twitter is a successful idea. Twitter has been losing its stock, the company should have a solution to get people back to the Twitter again, and this even brings huge impact on Twitter market. A large numbers of people are gathering to Twitter to see the posts, it implicates they succeeded to get back their attraction to them. Also, this is not only benefit to the company but also to the children or the teenagers. They would get an opportunity to know their history.





A challenge of Amazon.

Amazon’s data storage.

Amazon brings out its plan to the world which is a huge and ambitious plan. Amazon’s plan is to control the world’s computing. For this plan, Amazon is building its own specialized computers, data storage systems, networking systems, even power substations and optical transmissions systems to help the company to cost cheaper and more efficiently advertise its products compare to others. Thus the company is challenging on everything. One of the successes is that Amazon’s data storage can respond to 1.5 million requests a second, and control trillions of private stored items. This Amazon’s new challenge causes to make large competitors like Microsoft and Google feel uncomfortable. Furthermore, Amazon is planning to invest this in long-term, not the short-term. Because of these threaten, Google published the report about its computing systems but it frankly does not include anything about technology advancements.


At first when I read this news, I got shock that I did not know about the Amazon’s shocking hidden plan which is to make global computing system. It means the company is ready to compete with the major big companies such as Microsoft and Google. Since the Amazon is striving and shows that it has amazing technology, not only me but the numbers of people’s expectations toward Amazon is growing.



The newest app, Snapchat, succeeded to catch fickle teenagers.

These days, Snapchat becomes popular in the mobile apps, especially for the teenagers. At first, in May 2012, it was a largely unknown product. However, after about a year, it rapidly grows that could line with the famous social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and Yelp. It becomes worth more than $4 billion. The fact that gives shock to other competitors is that the Snapchat has grown extremely fast that cannot be compare to others even the Facebook, Twitter and other apps have grown rapidly. Also, it is still distributing by the high school students every single day.

One of the worries that many companies are concerned is that the teenagers are fickle that the trend changes so rapidly either. For example, in 2006, according to the research, the 85 percent of teenagers had a MySpace account. However, the researcher found in 2013, only 7 percent of the users still maintain the accounts. Furthermore, the Facebook has lost its stocks. Like this, the teenagers are easily changed that Snapchat could be like that later in the future.

These days, one of the popular social mobile apps is Snapchat. Snapchat is an app that people can only see the pictures and the messages for the seconds, the maximum is 9 seconds. People cannot read messages again, it only available for once. I am sure that this point attracts teenagers in short period because it is fun and thrilling that they only have limit times. Snapchat should prepare for its future because the company does not know when the teenagers would move to another trended social mobile app. The company should invent new functions to attract and to maintain the customers. For sure, the company should expect this popularity does not last forever.

