For Shoppers, Next Level of Instant Gratification

What do you prefer between the fancy design strawberry cereal or the simple coloured basic cereal? In modern days, design covers the large proportions of the marketing in the market that brings huge impacts because customers love the productions that look fancy and convenient. According to the article, the MasteCard decides to announce a partnership with Conde nast. The partnership is called ShopThis. The new product they offer to the customer is that codes. They target the people who do not have time to go to the grocery stores. What they have to do is that scanning bar codes with their smartphones, their electricity, at home using Peopod, an online grocer. Another point they made is that to get rid of the middle man. The market that does not have middle becomes the real market.


As the article mentioned, new technology which is to scan the bar codes and order the things form the online market is the great idea for the people who are busy to go to the grocery stores. However, this makes people lazy and makes them have to same product for long time. In addition, people love fancy-looking packages because it looks good and expensive. However, the money and time to spend on the only the instant-gratification is wasted of time and not efficient. If the package becomes fancier and bigger, it just makes the trash of it, it may bring larger trashes than the real presents inside it, not cost-efficient product.


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