Monsanto’s Ambitions

Business ethics is the manner that a particular required level of trust exists between consumers and various forms of market participants. This business ethics is very significant in business world because it persuades the customers and other markets. .However, many well-known companies have been issued because of they break the business ethics, and trust between them and the customers.

Monsanto Company is the largest seed company which is also called as, “sustainable agriculture company”, which is specialized in genetic manipulations and organisms. This company was too ambitious that they do not matter how healthy the productions are, they only focus on the quantity of the productions that brings money to the owner. This is the cause of why Monsanto has started to make herbicide to increase the amounts of production, and they relaxed customers as “biodegradable”. However, this became an issue later because this is too dangerous to people that this toxic may bring death, fatal sickness to the people.


This company kills the people by intentionally because they knew how dangerous and what will effect to the humans body system. Because of this company, many people do not believe “organic”, even though other productions are real organic commodities. Furthermore, this would decrease the expenditure on the foods, and this would bring huge impact on the markets, especially the large markets. Companies should be honest on the foods because those are what we eat, and enjoy. They should not control it because of only their ambitions.



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