The newest app, Snapchat, succeeded to catch fickle teenagers.

These days, Snapchat becomes popular in the mobile apps, especially for the teenagers. At first, in May 2012, it was a largely unknown product. However, after about a year, it rapidly grows that could line with the famous social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Google and Yelp. It becomes worth more than $4 billion. The fact that gives shock to other competitors is that the Snapchat has grown extremely fast that cannot be compare to others even the Facebook, Twitter and other apps have grown rapidly. Also, it is still distributing by the high school students every single day.

One of the worries that many companies are concerned is that the teenagers are fickle that the trend changes so rapidly either. For example, in 2006, according to the research, the 85 percent of teenagers had a MySpace account. However, the researcher found in 2013, only 7 percent of the users still maintain the accounts. Furthermore, the Facebook has lost its stocks. Like this, the teenagers are easily changed that Snapchat could be like that later in the future.

These days, one of the popular social mobile apps is Snapchat. Snapchat is an app that people can only see the pictures and the messages for the seconds, the maximum is 9 seconds. People cannot read messages again, it only available for once. I am sure that this point attracts teenagers in short period because it is fun and thrilling that they only have limit times. Snapchat should prepare for its future because the company does not know when the teenagers would move to another trended social mobile app. The company should invent new functions to attract and to maintain the customers. For sure, the company should expect this popularity does not last forever.




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