The iPad Mini vs the iPan Air

Few weeks ago, iPad Mini has come out. The iPad Mini is the smaller product of the iPad Air. Both the Mini and Air have identical functions such as high-resolution screen, loading time is shorter, two antennas exist to help to pick up weak Wi-Fi signals wherever, and the batteries now can last during 10 hours. Therefore, every function that iPad Air go into iPad Mini exactly same process. The only difference is the sizes of iPad Mini and iPad Air, iPad Mini is smaller than iPad Air that can be stored in the pockets. Also, iPad Mini is cheaper about 100 dollars because it is smaller in size. Lastly, the point is the only sizes are different and every function is identical.


Since the one function is different, producing both iPad Mini and iPad Air is not cost-efficient. There is no point to introduce iPad Mini because iPad Mini is similar as smart phone now. Also, Apple used to introduce new product when they got new technology, they used to come back with advanced functions on their hands. However, this time, Apple does not satisfy the customers enough because their expectations were high as before. Buying both products would be wasteful, not efficient.


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