Why not for me?

The clothing brand, Abercrombie & Fitch has totally ruined the business ethics. It is about that they only hire good-looking people for their stores. Because the company only want good-looking people to wear their products so that they can attract other good-looking people, and help to build up better reputation of their clothes. This incident caused A&F shares to drop 10.4% to $34.55 on November.

The Abercrombie have not done that because this brings out the topic, the fairness. Why all people cannot buy, wear, and work for those clothes, the companies. If the company does, that indicates the company only concerned about the appearance. Every people have rights to wear clothes what they want. This case is similar to what Lululemon did. That company limited the size even they that company emphasizes the health.


The post was really well-organized. It also has a picture to describe the concept which helps me to understand points of the blog perfectly. Also, the topic is enough to attract people that emphasizes the unfairness and the broken rules of the business ehtics.





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