Work Less We Beg You!

Goldman Sachs, the multinational investment banking firm has taken an interesting approach to attract junior analysts and protect them from being snatched up by rivals. In the online article from Bloomberg Business Week it explains that the firm is encouraging their Junior Bankers to take weekends off, when historically the first several years of an investment bankers career have been characterized by gruelling 7 day work weeks. Goldman’s Co-Head of Investment Banking David Solomon explains that, “The goal is for our analysts to want to be here for a career”. The industry is extremely competitive but those who have what it takes to make the cut are still privy to working for the company of their choice and Goldman Sach’s believes that this tactic will attract the some of the best talent out of school and encourage them to learn and stay with their firm. In the article the point is raised as to whether or not this type of incentive can actually be implemented considering the type of work ethic and drive young investment bankers all share. I believe that this decision is a smart play by the firm. The finance world is physically and mentally tolling on even the smartest and most resilient of the whose chose to work in it, and moves like this allow Goldman Sach’s to create an appealing corporate culture and be pioneers in and industry that seldom reaps the benefits of a happy healthy and well rested employee.

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