How many persons have you done hand-shake with?

I can remember met with Allan in SUB. He offered me his hand and said welcome UBC. When I moved to new home-stay, new family introduced themselves with hand-shake and big smile. It was not exception to do this behavior in the interview and work place in LSBC. Even with computer fixer, we asked each other’s day by exchanging hand and greeting. Like this, Hand-shake is pretty usual thing in my Vancouver life.

But in Korea, I got a few chance to do this. It was totally formal and I wasn’t familiar with it. Business meeting or important contracts come to my mind if I imagine hand-shake. I practiced how to do handshake before I got an interview. I was really nervous I might make a mistake.


During internship, I got many chance to do it and it is getting well to do it. Not only introduce myself to new person, but also say hello to person who couldn’t see long time. I guess this behavior makes me be more kindly and friendly. By offering my hand to boss, I can get rid of distance with him, express my appreciation or respect. With handshake, I can approach to new person first, not pass or avoid them. Actually I had lots of relation through greeting. “Hello! I’m Julia. I’m really happy to meet you. How’s your today?” Although It’s very short time, I can start to talk with them and we will continue conversation. It’s also true that I’m getting more interested in relation and people around me. I tended to avoid other’s interest about me and sometimes get a stress. But now, I try hand-shake to even my fitness receptionist.

I think Handshake seems like a link between two person’s emotions. If I return to Korea, I will do handshake with missing everyone.

LSBC Awards 2012

This award is big annual event to celebrate BC’s foremost innovators who are leading the way to a bright future in Bio technology.

There are five part winner who have received significant international recognition in Genomics field, have achieved big innovation, have demonstrated leadership, have succeed in commercial, and the company which has stood out in this year by promoting medical devices.


From this award, I could know that event like this awards makes person who engaged in bio-tech field grow and development. Through this event, I could understand trend of medical devices or R&D and meet prominent CEO or researcher. I guess everybody who came that day felt good by connecting competitor company and famous scientists, having good dinner and wine, celebrating developments of lifesciences in BC.


Most impressive is video that interviewed winner about their value point and how they work for promotion. Before winner told their feeling, I could be sure why they got a prize. So I concentrated very deeply and it wasn’t boring!!

To open this nice event, our team members were really busy. we needed to prepare lots of things. I also helped like making binder, badges, volunteer name tags, VIP labels. My parts were so tidy but I’m proud of that.

Here is our team member!!


During Award, I was volunteer to prepare small things and receptionist to help guest to know their table number like that. And I met another volunteer!!!






Finish the awards, there was party with delicious dessert and nice wine. There were also good mood cause awesome band.












Ester Holliday Bunny

I didn’t know what Easter Holliday mean. And it gave me long long vacation.

So I was just interested in break time.

Suddenly, in the afternoon, My boss give me a cute bunny. He told me that inside of white bunny is apple and white chocolate is surrounding^^

I was really impressived and little bit ashamed. Cause I didn’t notice why he gave me this. I could make a connection between holiday with bunny. So my co-workers explain and I also searched about holiday.

Returend to home, I show present to my homestay mother and roommate. Of course I tell the legend of bunny!!! And we share this for our delicious dessert!! Anyway I will remember this holliday and I’m proud of my co-workers and boss###

If he didn’t buy this for me, I might ignore meaning of Ester Holliday. I think We need to learn culture in this way. culture can’t learn from the book or internet. I have to experience and feel directly. And knowing another culture is not learning from teacher but having an interest myself!!!!

From now on, I’m gonna more get an interest surrounding me!!!!