I can remember met with Allan in SUB. He offered me his hand and said welcome UBC. When I moved to new home-stay, new family introduced themselves with hand-shake and big smile. It was not exception to do this behavior in the interview and work place in LSBC. Even with computer fixer, we asked each other’s day by exchanging hand and greeting. Like this, Hand-shake is pretty usual thing in my Vancouver life.
But in Korea, I got a few chance to do this. It was totally formal and I wasn’t familiar with it. Business meeting or important contracts come to my mind if I imagine hand-shake. I practiced how to do handshake before I got an interview. I was really nervous I might make a mistake.
During internship, I got many chance to do it and it is getting well to do it. Not only introduce myself to new person, but also say hello to person who couldn’t see long time. I guess this behavior makes me be more kindly and friendly. By offering my hand to boss, I can get rid of distance with him, express my appreciation or respect. With handshake, I can approach to new person first, not pass or avoid them. Actually I had lots of relation through greeting. “Hello! I’m Julia. I’m really happy to meet you. How’s your today?” Although It’s very short time, I can start to talk with them and we will continue conversation. It’s also true that I’m getting more interested in relation and people around me. I tended to avoid other’s interest about me and sometimes get a stress. But now, I try hand-shake to even my fitness receptionist.
I think Handshake seems like a link between two person’s emotions. If I return to Korea, I will do handshake with missing everyone.