Response to: Subway Vs. McDonalds

In a blog titled “Subway Vs. McDonalds”, written by a fellow classmate, it is mentioned that Subway markets itself as a healthy alternative to consumers within the fast food industry. However, despite this marketing tactic regarding health and lifestyle, it is shown that a combination of toppings added to a subway sandwich would make no difference in calories compared to McDonalds.


Instead of comparing calories between the two fast food brands, I find it interesting to focus on the companies’ marketing strategy. Subway on one hand appeals to the public as a healthy fast food branch as it clearly understands McDonald’s disadvantage on this topic. McDonalds on the other hand performs its marketing tactics by psychologically enticing children to buy the company’s fast food with appealing TV advertisements. According to the diagram shown above, the amount of advertisements McDonalds has invested in has surpassed the rest of the competitors in the industry, more than doubling Subway’s amount of fast food ads. This may seem as a successful marketing tactic among the young audience as children base their decisions more on the toys that “Happy Meals” offer than the value proposition that Subway is trying to illustrate.


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