Hidden Hummers

Well, given the size of this gigantic car, you can’t really hide a Hummer. However, what I’m referring to is the hidden (or not so hidden) agenda of placing Hummers in movies or television shows in order to promote their product and brand. For example, in CSI:Miami, the lead character Horatio Caine could be seen driving a Hummer. Sure, you could think that it is fitting to have a tough car like a Hummer in CSI since it could probably provide protection that the detectives need from bullets, but more likely, Hummer paid or provided the car so that it could appear in the television show and market their product to consumers.

There are numerous examples of product placements around, such as from this aptly named blog, The Product Placement Blog. Personally, I don’t mind having product placement in these movies and television shows as it creates familiarity and makes it feel more as if it was happening in everyday real life. However, I hear complaints about how product placements turns these programs into commercials.

The way I see it, if they can place the products in such a way that viewers can’t really notice it, so that it does not detract away from the story or scene in any way, then I don’t see a problem. But if it becomes too obvious, such as “These (insert brand name) are so great, everyone should buy them!”, then I too would be annoyed.

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