Re: Branding parti in le Quebecois

This is a response to Melissa Monaghan’s blog post about big companies taking the Quebec government to court.

Melissa mentioned that the altering of company logos could defer companies from entering the Quebec market. These private English-speaking companies have to go through a lot of trouble just to establish a branch in Quebec.

I would like to take a different point of view on the matter, because I think that these companies should develop logos in many different languages if they want to expand globally. It’s not just Quebec that speaks a different language. A flexible logo could make these companies known world-wide, instead of just English-speaking countries. For example, in countries like China where the written language is made up of characters and not letters, they would have to re-establish the brand anyways. Quebec’s law is too picky, but I would like to think of the law as a barrier to entry. If a company can overcome the barrier, then it would have a bigger competitive advantage over other companies who don’t want to expand into Quebec because of language barriers.

18. November 2012 by julieliang
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