Black Friday in Canada?

A screenshot of how Future Shop, a Canadian company, is jumping on the Black Friday bandwagon. 

Canadian retailers will try to keep shoppers at home this upcoming Black Friday, as they will take the American tradition into their own hands. Many Canadians have opted to shop with American retailers for the holiday season because of their good deals. In order to get Canadians to do their holiday shopping here, many retailers have put up prominent signage and advertising for a Canadian Black Friday.

Black Friday is not Canadian, but holiday shopping is a big opportunity for revenue for retailers, and it is sad to see the US always winning the price competition. It is interesting to see the competition between the same companies in different countries. What are their points of difference between each other? What benefits will a Best Buy in Canada bring that a Best Buy in the States will not? Canadian stores do not necessarily have a better product, since most products are the same. Sales taxes are higher here, as well as the selling price, despite the US dollar and the loonie being practically equal in value. Instead of allowing people to spend more during overnight stays, shouldn’t the Canadian government do something to keep Canadian money in Canada?


19. November 2012 by julieliang
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