Holiday marketing, the right way

I wonder what’s inside…more customers?

Since it’s nearing the holiday season, I decided to read a blog about holiday marketing. I found a post titled “4 simple ways to engage holiday shoppers online” by Courtney Buchanan on the New School Marketing Blog on In her blog post, Courtney goes over some ways to attract the online customer during the holiday season.

The first tip she mentions is to embed videos in marketing emails. Videos can convey more information than just text and pictures, and companies can be more creative. If the video is well done, it may linger around in the consumer’s thoughts when they go about holiday shopping.

The second tip has to do with social media and public wish lists. There is a rising trend to advertise through social media due to the sheer size of the audience. The public wish list on Pinterest is a great way for retailers to get their product exposed and increase online sales without spending big bucks and precious time on extensive market research.

The third way to engage a customer is to turn marketing into games. This is a good way of interacting with customers and building a relationship with them. This will also attract attention from new customers who were just looking for some fun. I wouldn’t mind playing a fun game myself.

Last but not least is the countdown clock. This is similar to the scarcity principle that we learned about in class. People are more likely to see something as valuable when that something is limited and scarce. When there is a limited time for a sale, people will be more inclined to make a fast purchase and avoid missing a good deal. When they do make the purchase, the product itself will feel more valuable, like something “limited edition”.

The holidays are not just about people giving gifts to each other. With the rise of value-based marketing, the holidays are a great opportunity for companies to receive the gift of brand exposure and gain new, valuable customers.

Happy holidays, everyone!

26. November 2013 by julieliang
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