Paying more for pork

“Experts say the world could be on the verge of a significant bacon shortage because of rising feed costs and declining pig populations.”

No, this isn’t happening! Even though I don’t prefer bacon, pork is one of my daily staples. This rise in price could mean less food for my inner carnivore. However, the rise in price will be of benefit to Canadian pig farmers, who are struggling to make ends meet. The rise in the price of corn (pig food) has essentially caused this unavoidable rise in pork prices. The size of North America’s corn crop is just not enough to feed both the transportation industry and the pigs of North America, causing farmers to pay more in expenses than what they get in profits. And when a business doesn’t break even, they will eventually have to shut down. Which is sad, considering the deliciousness of steak, ribs and other pig products. As the supply of pork goes down, quantity supplied will fall and prices will rise. According to Britain’s National Pork Association, the price of pork could double by the second-half of next year! Sorry, inner carnivore, I’ll just have to put you on hold more often.


25. September 2012 by julieliang
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