Category Archives for COMM 296

If I could go back in time…

This is it. My final post for COMM 296: Intro to Marketing. It’s time for some self-reflection. The designated topic for this post is a reflection on the group project which ultimately involved creating a video. If I could go … Continue reading

30. November 2013 by julieliang
Categories: COMM 296 | Leave a comment

RE: Why is everyone playing Candy Crush Saga in the classroom?

In memory of my Level 305 achievement on Candy Crush Saga, I have chosen to respond to Claire Choi’s blog post that explores the immense popularity and profitability behind the game. A little bit of background info regarding my history … Continue reading

30. November 2013 by julieliang
Categories: COMM 296 | Leave a comment

Holiday marketing, the right way

Since it’s nearing the holiday season, I decided to read a blog about holiday marketing. I found a post titled “4 simple ways to engage holiday shoppers online” by Courtney Buchanan on the New School Marketing Blog on In … Continue reading

26. November 2013 by julieliang
Categories: COMM 296 | Leave a comment

Tangerine…is a bank?

“I’m going to open an account at Tangerine.” Right now, I cannot imagine anyone saying that. But that just might happen in the near future. According to this news article, ING Direct is going to take the namesake of a … Continue reading

25. November 2013 by julieliang
Categories: COMM 296 | 1 comment

New blend, new positioning?

Tim Hortons is introducing a new blend of coffee, for the first time in its 49-year history. Why did Tim Hortons choose to increase its product depth now? It may be the intensifying competition from Starbucks and McDonald’s, or maybe … Continue reading

08. November 2013 by julieliang
Categories: COMM 296 | Leave a comment

Newspaper ads for BlackBerry

A recent news article from Bloomberg News states that BlackBerry is using newspaper print ads to try to convince consumers to buy BlackBerry smartphones. After investing millions of dollars into a Superbowl ad that did not successfully sell the new Z10, … Continue reading

15. October 2013 by julieliang
Categories: COMM 296 | Leave a comment

Same topic, new perspective

This blog post will mark my transition from a first-year COMM 101 student to a second-year student studying marketing in COMM 296. Last year at this time, I posted about ethics in business, namely the ethics involved in the NHL … Continue reading

23. September 2013 by julieliang
Categories: COMM 296 | Leave a comment

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