Category Archives for Uncategorized

Black Friday in Canada?

Canadian retailers will try to keep shoppers at home this upcoming Black Friday, as they will take the American tradition into their own hands. Many Canadians have opted to shop with American retailers for the holiday season because of their … Continue reading

19. November 2012 by julieliang
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Re: Branding parti in le Quebecois

This is a response to Melissa Monaghan’s blog post about big companies taking the Quebec government to court. Melissa mentioned that the altering of company logos could defer companies from entering the Quebec market. These private English-speaking companies have to … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by julieliang
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It’s Chapter 11 and shutdown for Twinkie-maker Hostess

Poor organizational culture can lead to liquidation, as shown by 82-year-old Hostess. Heavy debt and changing consumer tastes to healthier food are contributors too, but the battle with its workers and their union eventually caused Hostess to go for Chapter … Continue reading

18. November 2012 by julieliang
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Re: Canada: The Be-Your-Own-Boss Country

The Insider on BC Business Online, or Tony Wanless, recently wrote a blog post about the increase in entrepreneurship in Canada, with BC leading the charge, with almost half of the businesses here being self-employed operations. In my previous post, … Continue reading

17. November 2012 by julieliang
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Energy Aware: Taking entrepreneurship from the classroom to the real world.

  To me, the real world always seemed like a faraway place, until the day when Janice Cheam, President and CEO of Energy Aware, came into our COMM 101 classroom to talk to us about her multi-million-dollar company. I suddenly … Continue reading

16. November 2012 by julieliang
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WestJet names new regional airline with help of happy employees

WestJet recently named their new regional airline, Encore, which is going to serve many smaller communities, using smaller Bombardier planes, not the regular Boeing 737s like all of WestJet’s regular fleet. WestJet let their employees, the WestJetters, name the new … Continue reading

29. October 2012 by julieliang
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Luxury brands aren’t good enough anymore

With China’s consumers changing taste, many large luxury-good companies like Louis Vuitton and Burberry are experiencing slower sales growth. Jeremy Liang mentioned in his post about China’s consumers abandoning LV because it was easily forged. I think that a change … Continue reading

09. October 2012 by julieliang
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Vancouver homes: finally dropping the price?

According to new data released by the Real Estate Board of the Greater Vancouver area, the residential properties sold in September this year totaled 1516, 32% less than September of 2011.   Since the government eliminated the 30-year mortgage, buyer … Continue reading

08. October 2012 by julieliang
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Paying more for pork

“Experts say the world could be on the verge of a significant bacon shortage because of rising feed costs and declining pig populations.” No, this isn’t happening! Even though I don’t prefer bacon, pork is one of my daily staples. … Continue reading

25. September 2012 by julieliang
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NHL Lockout Around the Corner?

Go Canucks! (If there is a season this year) For hockey fans, an NHL lockout would be like the apocalypse. The league wants money, and the players want a bigger piece from the “hockey-related revenues” pie. What surprises me is … Continue reading

13. September 2012 by julieliang
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