Archive for April, 2011

Apr 03 2011

What I have learned about myself in class (Comm 299-Career Fundamentals)

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After completing the StrengthsQuest evaluation, I became more aware of my strengths and weaknesses. It also brought up some new traits that I haven’t really paid attention to before. Something that I didn’t really realize was that I’m a very focus-oriented individual. Without a clear destination in mind, my life and work can quickly become frustrating. My focus allows me to be efficient and helps me determine priorities, serving as my “compass”. Before, I would tend to multi-task a lot, trying to do everything at once. But now, I’ve learned to sit down first, make a list of priorities, and plan a schedule to better complete tasks. Although it’s not my natural way of doing things, it always works well now that I’ve trained myself to do things this way.


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