Major in Marketing?!

Now is the season of choosing your major.

Ever since I came to UBC, I always wanted to do International Relations because I was trilingual and wanted to work for multi-national non-profit organizations. Little did I know that I would apply for Marketing and International Business major, as I am continuously in awe of all the possibilities and impact marketing has on people’s everyday life.

A week ago, as I was working researching about product placement and STP of Axe, (male deodorant producer), I was trying to think of recommendations for Axe so they could be more profitable and sustainable. Our group researched on the various marketing channels and discussed in depth of how to utilize this channel so we can secure our target market and position ourselves ideally in the market.

The well-used channel for the 18-21 years old demographic is Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and blogs. As the target market ages shift from teens to working adults, newspapers, commercials and online newspaper become more prominent channels. Even if you do not study marketing, you would know of this. Nonetheless, the reason I want to study more about marketing is that I want to know How to get my product’s ads into those commercials, How to seal a negotiation with a television show company so they would use our product on their shows, How to acquire fresh news from the various communication channels that I can find.  As a marketer, I want to learn the applicable skills to get the name out there and be part of a person’s life. Although we might not be aware of this, but we are daily exposed to marketing, whether we are in school, coffee shop, or the gym. With marketing, we can make those normal places unique and more meaningful to others, including myself.

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