Users online surf with objectives.  From the perspective of how marketers deal with users search behaviour:

I read a report by Sapna Satagopan, JupiterResearch on Search Engine Selection Strategies.  It mentioned how the search engine industry is dominated by Google and by Yahoo and how these search engines are not the only options for a marketer.  For example, competition for keywords are becoming expensive, thus marketers must invest more in order to be easily found.  Marketers need to focus on “adding value to their spending.”  Three types of search providers:

  1. General [top tier](ex. Google)
  2. Vertical/ Niche (ex.
  3. Feed-Based (ex. Froogle)

Vertical and feed-based search providers can be used to keep costs down while remaining high on search results of these providers.  An important note is to keep in mind “measuring the benefits of TARGETING vs. SHEER VOLUME.”

Why are these providers not as popular if they are as effective as it claims (4% higher click-through rates with using other providers on top of Google or Yahoo)?  Consumers continue to use these general search providers because they trust these providers, became comfortable with the process and made it a habit.  Getting customers to switch is a difficult challenge, especially when change is not usually well accepted.   And in order for consumers to change, they need to be informed about the options; which I believe these two providers lack – advertisements!


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