What’s Fun in Social Gaming

Posted by: | February 8, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Paul Verna is the writer of “Social Gaming: Marketers Make Their Move,” recognizes the potential for marketers in the “faster growth track” of all forms of gaming- social gaming.  Paul brings attention to the fact that contrary to the console gaming industry, the majority of social gaming audience is of an older age category and slightly skewered towards the female population (quite a surprise to me).  Perhaps the reason for the popularity in older population is because this group of audience is of the owing credit card age.  Therefore, their interest in such games and continual playing is furthered by the use of a credit card for virtual goods.

Social gaming is a mode of advertising that levels the playing field if “the right fit among[st] the brand, the game and the demographics of the playing audience” is considered.  Small companies may still make great games or be incorporated into a game if it fits the three aspects listed by Paul.  No matter how much a big company invests in a game, if it the product placement does not suit the brand, game or demographic, it will be ineffective.  Therefore, success in social gaming is not all about budgets, but about suitability and fit as well (a good thing)!


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