Mobile web utilized by “forward-thinking retailers…to address each stage in the consumer purchase funnel- awareness, engagement, consideration, conversion and loyalty.”  In essence, the plan should further the company in some way or another by opening up opportunities in a consumer’s process to purchasing.  An example that the article provided is: to receive sale alters (awareness), look for better prices ad product reviews (consideration) and redeem coupons (conversion).  Sephora has done a great job on mobile web.

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I think a mobile strategy could be useful to grocery stores.

1.       To send a text or offer an app with a promotions section about a crowd pleasing recipe of the day that students and parents can make in a hurry.  They can include the ingredients and costs with the message.  This would act as an opportunity window for the awareness stage.

2.       To take a step further, barcodes could be provided by each produce giving suggestions of how to serve that vegetable and the nutritional value it contains (consideration).  On top of this, you may even allow consumers to have input on this stage, allowing them to get involved as well, such as making suggestions.

3.       Lastly, coupons may be given on certain ingredients off of the recipe of the day to play a role in conversion.  These are tangible, relevant offers that include limited-time offers.


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