Charities and New Technologies

Posted by: | February 10, 2011 | Leave a Comment

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Charities are a type of organization that I believe can thrive with utilizing social media, such as YouTube and Mobile Apps.  The YouTube Nonprofit Program is a helpful tool suitable to low budget organizations in providing an effective video message used for fundraising.

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This could be paired with creating a mobile app that can intervene in the awareness and through third party conversion, lead to conversion for the charity.  What I mean by this is:

1.       Awareness- providing quick facts relevant to your charity every x days to educate people.

2.       Third party conversion: through agreement and partnering with third party retailers, you can send push notifications on location specific promotions and coupons to the consumer.

3.       Conversion: through helping the consumer save money on such things as groceries or entertainment, you have provided them with a benefit in which they may repay the charity through donations.  Another strategy could be for the charity to take a portion of the sales through the coupon redemption (like Groupons) so to bypass the stage of eliciting donations.


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