Highlights of the presentation: No one cares about your weaknesses, there is too much emphasis on being well rounded.  Be great at one thing. Pursue your passion.  Be great at this. Try-do it now when you are younger and have less risks.  What do you have to lose? You have less to lose now than later […]

After receiving many complaints from parents, Apple has changed its policy for in-app purchases.  The change is made to prevent some unexpected bills.  Sarah Kessler points out another issue, “Whether it’s appropriate to market expensive virtual goods within games intended for young children.” In-app purchases for children-typed games are a loop-hole that allows children to […]

Maria Ogneva gives 10 steps on how to listen online and what to do with the results.  These steps can be used in companies that are in the walk, run, and fly stages; it just varies on how far the company goes in each step. Define an objective Decide where to monitor Decide what to […]

In the “5 Tips for Improving Your Social Customer Service,” it talks about how social media allows for customers to take control and force businesses to help on customers’ own terms.  Social support is an opportunity to maintain engagement and stay on top of potentially damaging talk. 1.      Everyone should be considered to have the […]

On December 29th, 2010, drinksmartwater uploaded a “Smartwater Trailer” on YouTube that generated as of March 7th 554 views.  You can say this was not very successful as not many people watched it before the “jennifer aniston goes viral- smartwater” video was posted.  Since then, the trailer has reached 6,549 views and the video itself has accumulated […]

When making a web video, companies (big or small) have to consider: What message is their video expressing?  How will it affect their customers?  When should they release it for maximum impact? This article talks about “Innovative ways to use web video” Giving product demos and previewing the product.  Watching a video on how to […]

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