” If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”? Without doubt, the development of social issues needs sufficient capital support and social concerns. However, that’s a another story when talking about the significance of social enterprise for the world.
Take the application of renewable energy as an example, we can see many things that also needed for social issues except for funds. In Antonio Pasolini’s blog, he bolsters the possibility for the renewable energy to make the world a better place with using less fossil fuels. Besides making a proper plan, he emphasizes the importance of applying science and business to the clean-energy plan. To be more precise, the world needs social entrepreneurs to use their business skills and knowledge to distribute the funds rationally to several certain social issues and bring positive change to the society.
In the reading materials for the class, the importance of dissemination of business ideas to developing countries and exchanging business skills and knowledge are highlighted several times in the articles. Social entrepreneurship provides an innovative way to not only generate wealth but also and most importantly, guarantee the long-term benefits for the entire society by pulling the whole world into the process of business development and developing the unique advantages of different regions.
Work Cited:
“Sauder School of Business.” The Arc Initiative. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.