Monthly Archives: November 2014

Response to External Blog–When renewable energy meets social entrepreneurship

” If  the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”? Without doubt, the development of social issues needs sufficient capital support and social concerns. However, that’s a another story when talking about the significance of social enterprise for the world.

Take the application of renewable energy as an example, we can see many things that also needed for social issues except for funds. In Antonio Pasolini’s blog, he bolsters the possibility for the renewable energy to make the world a better place with using less fossil fuels. Besides making a proper plan, he emphasizes the importance of applying  science and business to the clean-energy plan. To be more precise, the world needs social entrepreneurs to use their business skills and knowledge to distribute the funds rationally to several certain social issues and bring positive change to the society.

In the reading materials for the class, the importance of dissemination of business ideas to developing countries and exchanging business skills and knowledge are highlighted several times in the articles. Social entrepreneurship provides an innovative way to not only generate wealth but also and most importantly, guarantee the long-term benefits for the entire society by pulling the whole world into the process of business development and developing the unique advantages of different regions.

Work Cited:

Pasolini, Antonio. “The World Can Be Powered With Renewable Energy-If We Want It To Be – SocialEarth.” SocialEarth RSS. N.p., 11 Nov. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

“What Is Social Entrepreneurship?” Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

“Sauder School of Business.” The Arc Initiative. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

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Response to Classmates’ Blogs #2


Alibaba, in some extent, is the world’s biggest online commerce company. It is enjoying an increasing popularity in the world’s fast growing e-commerce market where many online shopping companies also have strong competitive edge. Then how Alibaba has so many loyal users and is even attracting more?

As mentioned in Jessica Trung’s blog, Stephen Harper has recently put forward reinforcing the business relationship between Canada and China, which is not only due to the fast growing economy in China but also based on the increasing opportunities for business between the two countries. But why Alibaba was chosen from the huge e-commerce market and what is the motivation for it to develop the online transactions internationally?

According the description by Stephen Harper, Alibaba can enjoy the low corporate tax rate and debt levels in Canada which would be an attractive place to do business for Chinese investors. Using the PEST-analysis, the economy in China is growing rapidly and the online shopping has become the most popular way of purchasing . The trend of e-commerce can be regarded as an significant macro force pushing Alibaba to expand and optimize its international business. Also, Alibaba’s needs of developing in the world’s e-commerce market can match the Canadian  technological strength.

Work Cited:

Trung, Jessica. “Jessica Trung’s Blog.” Jessica Trungs Blog. N.p., 8 Nov. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.


Press, The Canadian. “Prime Minister Stephen Harper Stumps for Canadian Exporters on China Trip – CBC News – Latest Canada, World, Entertainment and Business News.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 07 Nov. 2014. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

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Response to Classmates’ Blogs #1

Creating a happy place to work means sufficiently stimulating employees’ motivation on working by spreading the positive spirit through organizational culture. After ensuring the importance of creating a fantastic company culture, the problem about how to create a happy working environment arises.

In Elaine Langton’s blog, she chose Disney as an example which provides not only a memorable experience for its consumers but also a happy working place for its employees. She emphasized the core values of the company and the maintenance of its positive brand image displayed by the impressive stories and amazing characters. Also, the blog mentioned the interconnection between the company culture and the profit. The employees are enjoying a happy workplace thanks to the core values of the company and the positive image of the brand.

Except for having some core values, Disney also highlights the significance of leaders who always support the employees and often provide useful guidance for managers. As a company which disseminates happiness and entertainment outward, Disney knows how to bring entertainment for its employees. Compared to focusing on the core values of the company, what about listing some core values of the workplace? By doing so, the company is able to improve the company culture with more accurate directions and the employees are able to generate more values for the company.

Work Cited:

Langton, Elaine. “Elaine Langton’s Comm 101 Blog.” Elaine Langtons Comm 101 Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

Lipp, Doug. “The Four Circumstances Driving Disney’s Organizational Culture.” CommPRObiz RSS. N.p., 10 Apr. 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

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Organizational Culture–Solid Foundation of Business Success

The  goal for a company is to maximize its profit and stand out from the competitive market. In other words, companies need to improve the bottom line, which can be achieved by  simultaneously growing the revenue and cutting the costs. However, the whole process of companies development is not that simple as it shows literally. A company is operated by intelligence and active action guided by relative business strategies including building a encouraging organizational culture which paves the way to business success.

Compared to revising the business strategies according to customers’ feedback through the social media such as Facebook and Twitter which seem to provide a large amount of fast and direct information, company culture creates a more efficient way to facilitate the communication among people. More and more  companies buy fake online reviews due to growing public’s reliance on online review sites and the great impact of good online reputation on a company’s revenue. Based on the benefits of the organizational culture, I recommend that these companies should focus on creating the company culture that fits their business types and therefore optimizing their workforce management. By enhancing the employees’ motivation, the company can also improve the consumers’ experience with better service provided by its employees. Thus, a good organizational culture is more important than merely attaining “good” online reputation without reflecting the management inside the company.

Work Cited:

Griffith-Greene, Megan. “Yelp, Google and UrbanSpoon Targets for Fake Reviews.” CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 07 Nov. 2014. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

“Bottom Line Definition | Investopedia.” Investopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

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