Response to Classmates’ Blogs #1

Creating a happy place to work means sufficiently stimulating employees’ motivation on working by spreading the positive spirit through organizational culture. After ensuring the importance of creating a fantastic company culture, the problem about how to create a happy working environment arises.

In Elaine Langton’s blog, she chose Disney as an example which provides not only a memorable experience for its consumers but also a happy working place for its employees. She emphasized the core values of the company and the maintenance of its positive brand image displayed by the impressive stories and amazing characters. Also, the blog mentioned the interconnection between the company culture and the profit. The employees are enjoying a happy workplace thanks to the core values of the company and the positive image of the brand.

Except for having some core values, Disney also highlights the significance of leaders who always support the employees and often provide useful guidance for managers. As a company which disseminates happiness and entertainment outward, Disney knows how to bring entertainment for its employees. Compared to focusing on the core values of the company, what about listing some core values of the workplace? By doing so, the company is able to improve the company culture with more accurate directions and the employees are able to generate more values for the company.

Work Cited:

Langton, Elaine. “Elaine Langton’s Comm 101 Blog.” Elaine Langtons Comm 101 Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

Lipp, Doug. “The Four Circumstances Driving Disney’s Organizational Culture.” CommPRObiz RSS. N.p., 10 Apr. 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

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