Monthly Archives: October 2013

5Cs principle from Indra K. Nooyi

Nowadays, it is more popular that the successful entrepreneurs are invited to hold a lecture sharing experience in universities and high schools. This is a good way for students to learn more from the society; meanwhile, it is a great chance to promote the company by spreading the enterprise cultures.


Indra K. Nooyi, World’s most powerful woman in business, the chairman and executive officer of PepsiCo gave a speech in School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. She introduced the 5Cs principle to the students who is entering the market: Curiosity, Creativity, Citizenship, Courage, and Communication.


In my opinion, this 5Cs principle is helpful and practical in marketing. Curiosity plays an important role in a company, regardless of position, from junior to supervisor. As a member in the company, being curious about things related to your work has to do with learning deeply and understanding clearly. Although it takes you a period of time to figure it out, the progress beginning with asking questions will equip you and inspire you through your learning. Curiosity helps to get to the 2nd C, Creativity very much. The consumers in the market change rapidly, therefore, the more creative and humanized, the easier to attract their eyes. Being creative is one of the most competitive advantages for the company. The 5th C, communication is what I want to talk about because it is highly related to the success of the company. The internal communication, which is information flow between all company members, and the external communication, which includes connecting with customers and corporated partners are emphasized all the time. Operating a firm efficiently cannot be achieved without communicating well throughout the company. Then the good corporate image cannot be well known without promoting effectively.


Indra K. Nooyi’ s 5Cs principle is useful for people who is applying for a job and who is working in their positions because they are needed in our marketing.

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social tools in promotion

With the rapid development of science and technology, Internet is becoming an indispensable tool in people’s life. People learn about what is happening around the world and understand market trends simultaneously by surfing the Internet. Therefore, many social network tools such as Weibo and Facebook play a key role in the market for both consumers and suppliers.


Recently in China, I found that there are more and more online stores own by young people, especially girls. They have their products’ photos taken, and then post them on his or her well-designed online homepage. To develop the promotions, the sellers set up an account on Weibo for the shop and follow many potential customers. Those online shop owners keep update the Weibo account by posting different kinds of goods and the link of homepage in order to attract more people. One of the most common ways for promoting is that sellers wrote a message on Weibo asking people to forward the ads. If people forward the ads, they will have a chance to win some prizes or discounts. For most people tweeting on Weibo, they get the chance for wining free goods just by forwarding ads, why not? For most advertisers, their ads are separated in a very short time, which helps them to increase sales. Plus, they just need to give some low-cost goods as prizes in return.


The simplicity and low cost are important advantages of this kind of advertising. Thousands of online shop sellers are using social network tools to promote their product because they saw the great result and good effect of it.

Additionally, conformity can be seen in these cases. When people see others forwarding the ads and saying that product is good, they are more willing to try the product.

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advertisement boots sales but does not reflect real demand

Nowadays, there are lots of advertisements on television or on the street. We find ourselves surrounded by all kinds of advertisement everywhere and almost at any time. Some people argue that the advertising boots the sales of goods and it encourages people to buy products unnecessarily.  From my observation, many company produce advertisement with famous and popular actors or singers. People, especially youngsters, buy goods that their favorite singer advertises, although they do not really need the products.


A product may look gorgeous and good quality on the screen; therefore, people often buy goods without enough consideration. Furthermore, as many consumers buy a particular product due to its advertising campaign, the other people may be affected by the trend, even if the product is not the real needs for them.


Advertisement plays an important role in influencing consumers’’ behaviors. It is fairly difficult to say everyone is swayed by advertising and buy goods impulsively. However, advertisements do not reflect the real demand in the market due to irrational consumption behavior.

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