5Cs principle from Indra K. Nooyi

Nowadays, it is more popular that the successful entrepreneurs are invited to hold a lecture sharing experience in universities and high schools. This is a good way for students to learn more from the society; meanwhile, it is a great chance to promote the company by spreading the enterprise cultures.


Indra K. Nooyi, World’s most powerful woman in business, the chairman and executive officer of PepsiCo gave a speech in School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. She introduced the 5Cs principle to the students who is entering the market: Curiosity, Creativity, Citizenship, Courage, and Communication.


In my opinion, this 5Cs principle is helpful and practical in marketing. Curiosity plays an important role in a company, regardless of position, from junior to supervisor. As a member in the company, being curious about things related to your work has to do with learning deeply and understanding clearly. Although it takes you a period of time to figure it out, the progress beginning with asking questions will equip you and inspire you through your learning. Curiosity helps to get to the 2nd C, Creativity very much. The consumers in the market change rapidly, therefore, the more creative and humanized, the easier to attract their eyes. Being creative is one of the most competitive advantages for the company. The 5th C, communication is what I want to talk about because it is highly related to the success of the company. The internal communication, which is information flow between all company members, and the external communication, which includes connecting with customers and corporated partners are emphasized all the time. Operating a firm efficiently cannot be achieved without communicating well throughout the company. Then the good corporate image cannot be well known without promoting effectively.


Indra K. Nooyi’ s 5Cs principle is useful for people who is applying for a job and who is working in their positions because they are needed in our marketing.

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