VR CPR Training

My Role

Learning Experience Designer / User Researcher / Scrum Master  


With a team of 6, we developed a fully immersive learning experience for CPR training by leveraging virtual reality technology and hand tracking devices. 


Currently, CPR training is usually offered through in-classroom settings which are restricted by time and place. With advances in VR technology, our vision is to provide innovative learning methods that provide transformative educational experience. 

Process & Milestones

For our team process and milestones, please refer to our process document.

Design Mapping

In this project, I mapped out the design of the application by creating a design script.  The design script offered the team a collaborative space to specify our visions and revisit our design decisions.

User Research

As a team, we have conducted initial research with potential users through interviews and survey to understand whether or not Virtual Reality would be a feasible choice.

As the project goes, I have led several user testing sessions and reported findings back to the team to inform design and development decisions. Here is the final user testing process and results.

Video Demonstration