Amazing Advertising


With over 100 billion dollars in liquid cash and the fact that Apple products seem to fly off the shelf faster than you can say IPhone, you would think that Apple’s marketing budget would be off the charts!  But as my classmate Maggie states in “The Power of Word Of Mouth (,” often our decision to gravitate towards a certain product stems from delighted friends who are now brand advocates.  Apple is a company that has benefited from this word of mouth marketing in a big way.  For example when the Giants won the super bowl the first thing many NFL players did was take out their IPhones and take pictures sharing the positive energy and excitement with loved ones and friends.  Apple didn’t pay a single dollar for advertising at the super bowl but the amount of free exposure the IPhone got from NFL players, many of who are opinion leaders for millions of fans watching across the world, was worth millions of dollars.  I’m sure that this rare marketing opportunity was unplanned but as long as people continue to use Apple products to capture the most amazing parts of their lives the company won’t have to ever spend even a dollar on marketing.

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