It’s Not Spam Mail, But Award Mail

Often when you receive unexpected mail from TELUS, your first reaction is to throw it away. Direct mail marketing involves sending an offer, announcement, reminder or other item to a physical or virtual address. It’s one of the most commonly used and effective types of direct marketing because it provides a one to one communication between the company and a potential customer. However, there is a cost to direct mail marketing, literally. Direct mail marketing is much more expensive than television advertisements or taking out an advertisement in your local paper. However, a company can target certain types of customers specifically, it can be personalized and it’s customizable. This very traditional type of direct marketing may soon be replaced with another type of direct marketing: Mobile Phone Marketing. With more than 270 million Americas and 20 million Canadians carrying mobile electronic devices, may modern markets refer to mobile phones as the next big direct marketing medium. However, TELUS isn’t ready to quite give up on the old standard of Direct Marketing. Recently, TELUS was awarded the Mobius Awards’ direct marketing FIRST PLACE position in the Services category (Details available at : Their direct mail gift/information package for high-level executives and companion piece for TELUS employees that reinforces TELUS branding impressed judges showing that despite the increase in This entry was posted in Uncategorized by justinlew. Bookmark the permalink.

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