Laboratory Acceptable but Business Unethical

The early 2000’s was an important time in promoting a “green,” environmentally friendly planet. It led large automobile corporations to rethink its marketing strategies, and in attempts to maximize its profits while satisfying environmental agencies and loyal performance enthusiasts, Volkswagen (VW) promoted its “Clean Diesel” engines.

From an article on Consumer Reports, it was reported that on September 18, 2015, precisely 359 days ago, Volkswagen received a notification of violation from the United States Environment Protection Agency (EPA). This led to a worldwide recall of as many as 11 million VW vehicles containing Volkswagen’s “Clean Diesel,” 2.0 L diesel engines that were emitting nitrous oxides 40 times the EPA acceptable amount; gases known to cause respiratory problems and that were overall against the idea of a “green” planet.

This begs the question: how could these VW engines have managed to pass laboratory tests? It turns out that during these tests, the emissions control system in these vehicles had been installed a dynamometer, a technology that tampers with the emissions system, subsequently making its emissions in the lab environmentally acceptable but immediately removed when sold to the public.

Business ethics are what keep the environment clean, the business world socially responsive and the general health of society safeguarded. VW is expected to reconcile with its stakeholders including the EPA, loyal customers, and those affected by the ensuing health problems through a $14.7 billion settlement. However, the initial lie and unethical practice of deceptive advertising has ultimately contributed to the ongoing global problem of pollution, the company’s loss of customer trust, and a tarnished reputation that VW will have to rebound from.

Word Count: 263


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