Hi and welcome! This blog is where I will be sharing my ENGL 301 work and thoughts throughout the next couple months.

ENGL 301 is a technical  writing course that is offered online at UBC. This course is designed to prepare students for the professional world by introducing distinctive elements of writing in business, professional, and technical contexts; through engagement with other students in online discussions, peer reviews, and production and analysis of documents. The course is structured in a way to promote engagement with other students; four units with three lessons each, one lesson per week. Students will also be creating a constantly updating a Web Folio that will house their written material.

Communication is one of the most important parts of a job. You could have the best idea in the company, but if you are unable to communicate it to your peers then it would have all been for nothing. Through this course I would like to improve my technical writing skills and learn how to communicate more effectively and professionally.

To navigate my page, click on the navigation menu at the top of the site to see my ENGL 301 portfolio.

I recommend starting at About Me to learn more about myself and my second degree journey.