Unit One Reflection

Writing the first draft of the Technical definition

The first assignment of ENGL301 was to write  three different definitions of a technical term of our choosing. I decided on the definition RAID (redundant array of inexpensive disks) as it was something I have worked on before back in Toronto. This assignment was more challenging than I anticipated as I had to write a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition for RAID, something that I have not done before. The parenthetical and sentence definition were the most challenging parts of this assignment. I had to find a way to explain a very technical term like RAID, in a way that non-technical audiences would understand but also not miss out on the defining features of RAID. During this assignment I also learned about the history of RAID which I was not aware of. Writing this assignment was challenging but rewarding. I learned different ways of explaining a complex system into terms that a non-technical audience would understand.

Peer Review Process

In this the peer review process of this assignment, I was partnered with Corbyn Kwan to review and critique each other’s definitions. I throughly enjoyed the peer review process as I was able to compare the techniques I used to the ones that Corbyn employed. I liked his use of simple terminology to explain relational database. I was more than happy to provide constructive feedback in how he could improve his own work. This gave me a whole new perspective of the reader, which allowed me to see what I would like if I was reading a definition I was not familiar with.  The peer review process was beneficial  to my writing and professional reviewing of others’ work.

Revision Process

After the peer review, I read over the criticism on my definitions and gained a unique perspective of an audience member reading a technical definition. I am fortunate to have team members that were not afraid to address everything that can be improved in my definitions, their criticism was insightful and very helpful. Taking in the feedback, I recognized now that even some terms I thought I explained might not be enough for the non-technical audience to understand. My teammate also gave me positive comments about addressing the difference between RAID and backup, as many people even in the industry do not know. The feedback I received allowed me to effectively refine my definition and improve my writing skills as a whole. Overall, creating a technical definition and participating in a peer review and revision process has furthered my writing skills. I am excited for the other assignments to come.

Link to my revised definition: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30199c2022w2/2023/02/16/revised-definition-raid/

Link to peer review of my definition: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30199c2022w2/2023/02/14/peer-review-raid/


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