Unit Two Reflection


LinkedIn Best Practices

For this assignment, we were tasked with researching best practices when using LinkedIn and then summarizing what we found to 10 tips that we found to be the most useful. LinkedIn has gradually become synonymous with networking in the past decade. I have used LinkedIn for the past couple years and know how to construct a good profile, but I often overlook how important it is to engage with the community and interacting with your connection on LinkedIn. Without engaging with other people, the people you connect with will not remember or know who you are; you will just be another connection that they have. Researching how to create a effective LinkedIn profile and best practices has been a valuable experience, allowing me to gain a deeper understanding in how to effective use LinkedIn.

Research Proposal and Outline

The report proposal assignment tasked us with choosing a problem that we have recently been a part of and investigate, analyze, and recommend solutions that would help improve the proposed problem. Initially I had a hard time brainstorming ideas that I could write my report on. After a couple days of thinking, I thought of an unpleasant experience I had when ordering coffee at Tim Hortons; I went to order one coffee and had to wait over 20 minutes. Once I had the topic, writing the proposal became much smoother.

The formal outline assignment really helped with organizing my ideas and how I want to structure my report. This process gave me the clarity and confidence I needed to move forward with the progress memo assignment.

Peer Review Process

During the peer review process, I was able to review the draft of Delsther James Edralin in my writing team; and also receive a review of my own draft. i found this exercise very informative and beneficial as I learned things that I would not have thought of after reviewing James’s work and also got feedback on my proposal that I used to revise it.

One part of Delsther’s proposal that I did not think of is to view from the perspective of not just the problem, but from the intended audience. This enables you to understand why they initially implemented things the way they did.

The peer review process was very helpful in getting feedback for my proposal. Getting feedback from Aman encouraged me to dig a little deeper with the issue that I chose . Peer reviewing has impacted my view on my writing as it has allowed me to get exposed to new writing perspectives.

Revised Report Proposal 

Peer’s Review of Report Proposal

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