Web folio Reflection Blog

For the final assignment of ENGL 301, we are tasked with creating, refining, and reorganizing all the assignments into a “Web Folio”. The purpose of the Web folio is to highlight one’s academic achievements, future goals, marketable skills, and experience.

Organization and Layout

I first needed to determine the purpose of my web folio, to do this i had to go back to lessons from Unit 1; determine who is my audience. I have never created a blog before, so this semester long assignment was refreshing and fun today as it was a place that I can freely write and make something that is mine. Because of this, I decided that my Web Folio will focus on my academic achievement’s and future goals.

With the purpose of the blog determined, I now had to organize the contents that I want to include. I determined how many pages I needed based off Unit 4.3 requirements and anything else that I wanted to include. Similar to the report, creating an outline of my web folio helped a lot in organizing my ideas and how to place everything.

Creating the pages

Populating the pages with the relevant summaries and assignments, I realized since my blog is focused to be more personal, I adjusted the tone of my writing to make it more friendly and welcoming. I also noticed that blog lacked visual elements. To solve this issue, I added a picture of one of my favourite cities in the world; Hong Kong. I also reformatted the texts in all the pages so that it is easier to read.


The Web Folio became a fun and engaging assignment. It allowed me to draw upon the past lessons learned in this course to create something that I am proud of sharing with my peers.

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