About Me

My name is Justin and I am currently a third year student in the BCS program studying computer science. The BCS program is a second-degree program targeted towards people who have already graduated from university and are looking for a career change. I previously studied Environmental Science at University of Toronto.

I’ve always had an interest in computers growing up. I loved the problem solving and logical aspect of how computers work and everything about them. However, when time came to apply for university I doubted my own abilities to succeed in a computer science program and decided on Environmental Science. Fast forward five years and I graduated during one of the most defining events of the 21st century; the COVID-19 pandemic. I was stuck at home and job prospects were at a record low with constant lockdowns in Toronto. This is when I decided that now is the best chance to fulfill my childhood dreams and pivot into the tech industry. I stumbled across UBC’s BCS program by accident and it was a match made in heaven. Everything about the program was exactly what I was looking for, from the timeline of the program to the courses. I did not hesitate to apply, and before I knew it, I was moving my entire life to Vancouver and have no regrets.

My career goal is to work as a software engineer at an impactful company remotely, this would allow me to fulfill my dreams of travelling the world. Outside of school I love exploring new cities by eating everything it has to offer, playing badminton, and hanging out with friends.