Self-assessment reflection


During ENGL 301, I was able to recognize my strengths in my learning process and assignments. One my strengths is providing and receiving feedback. This course utilized a variety of methods in providing feedback such as instructor grading of the overall work, peer review for the assignments, and self-reflection post. When peer-reviewing my team member’s work, I kept in mind the lessons learned in the course and gave constructive feedback that not only fixed errors in their assignments, but feedback that helps them in future writings. I also looked forward to receiving feedback, as I understand the importance of different perspectives.


One of my biggest weakness that I identified when writing my assignments is using imperative verbs in my assignments; especially in the memo to Evan crisp and LinkedIn best practices. Through this course I have learned that you do not want to sound condescending when addressing providing advice to someone; and one way to achieve this is to remove imperative verbs as it can sound like you are commanding the person to do it. The feedback from Dr. Paterson was useful in recognizing imperative verbs. Another weakness that of mine was time management. Throughout the semester, I have submitted a couple assignments late.

My Future after ENGL 301

The skills that I have learned in ENGL 301 will be incredibly useful in my long-term career goal in becoming a software engineer. From professional communications to receiving feedback effectively, these are all important traits for a software engineer to have. You can be the best coder in the world, but if you are unable to communicate with your peers and work together, then your skills will not matter in the end.



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