Best Works

Definition Assignment

For the definition assignment I wrote three different definitions of the same term in varying details. I choose the term “RAID” which is a type of data storage technology. Through the peer review process, I was able to expand my definition to better suit non-technical audiences.

Revised Definition Assignment

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

For the peer review of the definition assignment I reviewed my team member’s definition of “Relational Database”. The peer review process provided me greater insight in different ways of defining a term.

Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report

For the formal report proposal, I choose to write about the long wait times at Tim Hortons on campus, a situation that I have experienced first hand more times than I can count. Through this assignment I gained valuable experience in creating a well conceived outline and also the importance of conducting multiple types of data collection through surveys and literature reviews.

Revised Formal Report Proposal

For the progress report, I wrote a memorandum detailing the progress of my report and provided links to my survey. The progress report assignment was useful in refining my outline and creating a more concise idea.

Revised Progress Report

Proposal Memo

For the proposal memorandum assignment, I wrote a memorandum to the instructor to propose my topic for my formal report. This assignment allowed me to practice writing professional emails that communicate information concisely and completely.

Revised Proposal Memo

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

This assignment tasked me to compile a list of helpful practices for using LinkedIn as a professional networking website. I learned many useful tips such as using keywords to improve search placement and organizing the ‘About’ section into short paragraphs to improve readability. Through this assignment, I became less intimidated and more excited towards creating my own LinkedIn profile.

Revised LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

Memo to Evan Crisp

For the memo to Evan Crisp assignment, I wrote memorandum that gives advice on how to write professional emails to professors. Through this assignment I was able to refine my writing ‘YOU attitude’.

Revised Memo to Evan Crisp

Peer Review of a Formal Report

For this assignment I was tasked with reviewing the formal report draft of a writing team member Delsther James Edralin, who wrote a report about revising library procedures upon prevention of stress and distractions in UBC libraries. Through this assignment, I was exposed to different writing approaches and received feedback for my own report draft.

Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report

Formal Report

For the formal report assignment, I created a feasibility report for implementing more express line at Tim Hortons located on UBC Vancouver campus. I gathered  data through a questionnaire from the stakeholders of the franchise, surveys for students, and secondary research through literature review. Through this assignment I learned how to create an outline and convert all the contents into a well written and concise report.

Revised Formal Report