
Justin Tang
123 Street Avenue
Vancouver, BC V1V 1V1
(111) 111-1111

Objective Obtain a fall internship as a software engineering

Education University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
2022 – present Bachelor of Computer Science

2016 – 2021 University of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Honours Bachelors of Science

Employment Lululemon, Vaughn, ON
2022 – 2022 Sales representative (part-time). Educated customers on products and
worked as a cashier

2021 – 2021 Yee Hong, Toronto, ON
Data analyst internship. Designed a longitudinal study to measure the
quality of life and happiness of residents.

2019 – 2020 The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Research assistant in the Department of Earth Sciences. Assisted Phd
students in cleaning and examining samples.

Technical Projects Behaviour Beaver
2023 Built a web application for students practicing the behavioural portion of
an interview. Built using React, Typescript, and OpenAI.

2023 Badminton Tracker
Built a badminton app that is used to keep score, keep track of who is
serving, the position of players, and show statistics of the players
and of the match. Utilized Java, JUnit, and JSON.

Technical Skills Programming Languages:
Python, R, SQL, Java, Javascript

PowerBI, Tableau, ENVI, ArcGIS, GIT

References Available on request.